A 药学技术人员 是药房柜台后面的关键人物吗. They help licensed pharmacists dispense medications 和 devices to patients, 和 they often cross-review prescription requests with both doctors' offices 和 insurance companies.
你注重细节吗?? 你喜欢帮助别人吗? When you follow a recipe, are you precise about 测量 和 weighing? Then becoming a 药学技术人员 might be a fulfilling career path for you.
Pharmacy technicians spend most of their time assisting licensed pharmacists in the mixing, 测量, 药物剂量的计数和标示. 他们确保处方按时配药.
Part of their duties usually entails interacting with both doctors 和 drug companies. 如果处方过期, they'll often contact the patient's physician to acquire 和 updated Rx. If there are billing issues, they sometimes deal with the patient's insurance company.
不像持牌药剂师, 药学技术人员s usually don't advise patients on dosages, side effects 和 possible adverse interactions with other medications.
时间往往是有规律的, as 药学技术人员s often work in grocery stores, 独立药店和医院.
由于医药领域的人才短缺,1 there's a projected employment growth of about 9 percent for 药学技术人员s. That's faster than the average for all occupations.
The US 劳工统计局 expects there to be more than 2014年至2024年间,将新增34000个职位.1
The 75 million aging baby boomers need their prescriptions filled quickly, 高效准确. That means that 药学技术人员s who excel at their jobs can make as much as $43,900 per year.1 中位数 药剂师的工资 将近30美元,000; that means half the people in the profession made more than that in 2014, 一半赚得更少.1
It can take about a year to become a 药学技术人员.
The best way to st和 out from the crowd is to earn a 药学技师文凭 场. 项目 should offer the kind of math that 药学技术人员s use, as well as a basic background in human structure 和 function.1
Please keep in mind employment 和 income cannot be guaranteed by any educational institution for students or graduates. 另外, salary data cited in this article is based on median data provided by the United States Department of Labor, 不能反映起薪或入职薪金, 并且会根据地理位置的不同而有很大差异.